There are no limits to what you can do except the limits you give yourself . Brian Tracy


A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. – Lao Tseu

Fear (What if i made a mistake? I am taking a risk…)

Comfort (where I am is not that bad, there are many advantages, I am going to have to change my habits…)

The weight of prejudice (no one is waiting for me, what about my freedom, , employment market is frozen, I don(t have enough experience, now is not the right time, what are people going to think??? le regard des autres?.. I won’t probably find anything anyways, …nobody is waiting for me….)

Lack of confidence  (I lack skills, am I really competent? Will i know how to invest in a new challenge? Am I capable?….)

 When we are alone, we have a tendancy to constantly have the same questions over and over again, the same fears, the same arguments that keep us from ‘taking a step ahead’, to get out of our confort zone, to dare, to move on. We have a tendancy to procrastinate, we are afraid and don(t know what to do. 

And yet the answers are close. They are just hidden, still unconscious but they are there. Eager to come out of the shadow.

Contact me

coaching including skills assessment

  • Mapping
  • Identify the barriers to change : what keeps you from taking action


  • Treat yourself to a special moment to learn to know yourself, to take a step aside
  • Identify your dreams, your deep wishes, your needs
  • Identify your natural talents, your values, your motivations


  • List and analyse your experiences
  • Transform your skills
  • Define your new project
  • Draw a plan of action


A preliminary session to meet (free)

A first session to determine the objective of the coaching

A series of one hour and a half working sessions one to one (between 6 and 10) every two weeks

If necessary collectives sessions


The coaching enabled myself to reveal something I needed but on which I couldn’t put words.(Delphine H).

Thank you for the positive energy. You were able to boost my confidence and bring out the best in me. (Nathalie)

This coaching helped me find keys. I should have done it earlier! (Leila)

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